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Re/Engaged: Creative Connection in a Digital Age

re engaged poster (decorative), information duplicated in text

Please join us for a community gathering on Friday, February 5th at 1pm to mark the conclusion of the Dis/Engaged distributed symposium. Continuing the play on the theme of engagement, Re/Engaged invites us to reconnect digitally through song, spoken word, art and dialogue and to share our reflections on creative connection in online art and design education. We will be joined by the renowned artists/educators, Andrea Thompson and Archer Pechawis, and the gathering will be hosted by OCAD U’s own Glen Lowry with welcoming remarks from OCAD University President Ana Serrano. Reflecting on their own experiences as educators, all three will share and perform their own work. We invite you to join us for this celebration and take some time to re-engage. All faculty, staff, students and families are welcome to attend event! 

Andrea Thompson has been publishing and performing her work for over twenty-five years. In 2005 her spoken word album, One, was nominated for a Canadian Urban Music Award, in 2009 she was the Canadian Festival of Spoken Word’s Poet of Honour, and in 2019 her poetry album, Soulorations helped earn her a League of Canadian Poets’ Award for excellence. Thompson is co-author of the anthology, Other Tongues: Mixed-Race Women Speak Out, and author of the novel, Over Our Heads. She is an editor at Brick Books and teaches through Workman Arts, CAMH and the University of Toronto’s School of Continuing Studies. Thompson’s work is featured in the anthology, Best Canadian Poetry: 2020, and her collection, A Selected History of Soul Speak will be published by Frontenac House later this year.  

Media maker, filmmaker, writer, curator, performance artist and educator, Archer Pechawis was born in Alert Bay, BC., and is a member of Mistawasis Nêhiyawak First Nation in Treaty Six territory, Saskatchewan. He has been making digital and integrated media work for three decades with a particular interest in the intersection of nêhiyaw (Plains Cree) culture and digital technologies, such as merging "traditional" objects such as hand drums with custom-built new technologies. He regularly teaches integrated media to high school students in Toronto and helped organize the Indigicade video workshop for Indigenous women and girls. With Indigenous Routes Collective and Dames Making Games, he has also taught video game development to Indigenous youth. His award-winning works has been exhibited across Canada, internationally in Paris and Moscow, and has been featured in various publications. 

Glen Lowry is Executive Director and Advisor to the Provost, Partnerships, Outreach & Research. Identifying as an unsettled settler, embedded critic, and production-side cultural theorist, he works across disciplines and media. As writer, researcher, editor, publisher, photographer, and organizer, he has more than 20 years experience working on  hybrid creative-critical collaborations that link scholarly engagement and cultural production. Lowry edited the SFU-based cultural journal West Coast LINE (2000-2012) and cofounded LINEbooks | Burnaby.  As an  advisor to the Aboriginal Healing Foundation (2011-2015), Lowry travelled across Canada participating in discussions about Truth and Reconciliation. In his current role, he works with colleagues, students and alumni to develop and support external partnerships, some of which are under the auspices of the Office for Public Worx. 

Zoom Meeting Link 
Meeting ID: 883 3884 1729 
Passcode: 5j?F#7x#