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Deirdre McIntosh, Gently Bruised (Self Portrait), acrylic on cotton blend, 30” x 40”, 2023


Marina Diolaiti, Abby Kettner, Ariane Labbe, Miao Xuan Liu, Deirdre McIntosh, Jason Mendiola, Ali Sheikh, Shawn Vieron  


October 21 to November 28 


Opening Reception October 25, 3:00 - 4:30 pm 


Delving into the realms of memory, materiality, myth, and introspection, Powerhouse is a dynamic contemporary art exhibition featuring work by Abby Kettner, Ariane Labbe, Miao Xuan Liu, Marina Diolaiti, Deirdre McIntosh, Jason Mendiola, Ali Sheikh, and Shawn Vieron. This show challenges conventional boundaries to offer an immersive journey through the ever-evolving landscape of contemporary art practices.  

Within these diverse artistic explorations, Kettner's use of latex embodies the fragility of human experiences. Labbe's installations delve into the evolving nature of surroundings over time to challenge traditional notions of permanence. Liu's feminist and anti-colonial exploration offers a fresh perspective on identity and storytelling, while Diolaiti's and Mendiola’s minimalist sculptures prompt introspection, resonating with contemporary simplicity amid constant change. Sheikh's work grazes the sublime through intimate explorations of personal traumas, situating beauty and fear within the same lens. McIntosh's innovative fabric staining transcends tradition, echoing life's uncertainties. Vieron's interdisciplinary approach confronts societal norms, exploring the concept of the stranger and challenging artistic conventions. 

"Powerhouse" invites viewers on a journey through contemporary exploration, encouraging reflection on the ever-evolving self and the complexity of contemporary existence. Not simply a dynamic showcase, this exhibition is a powerful testament to art's ability to both mirror and shape our understanding of the modern world. 


Curatorial Essay 

Fabiyino Germain 



Morgan Mavis, Tibi Neuspiel 


Deirdre McIntosh, Gently Bruised (Self Portrait), acrylic on cotton blend, 30” x 40”, 2023