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This Week at OCAD U

Exhibition poster with logos
June 26 - July 19, 2024

This Month at OCAD U

Paulette Phillips' The Quoddy Fold in: Monitoring an Exhibition for Time-Based Media Art

Monitoring presents twenty art installations out of more than 300 international submissions. It provides a platform for time-based media art in the three-dimensional space as a complement to the film program of the festival. The exhibition at Kasseler Kunstverein investigates, among other things, structures of power and exclusion, order as a social and aesthetic principle, as well as the possibilities and limits of artistic strategies. 
Monitoring – Exhibition for Time-Based Media Art
Opening Nov.13, 8:00 p.m. at KulturBahnhof, Südflügel

The exhibition Monitoring presents twenty art installations out of more than 300 international submissions. It provides a platform for time-based media art in the three-dimensional space as a complement to the film program of the festival. At two main venues and three single sites, from KulturBahnhof, via Treppe 4 in Treppenstrasse, to Fridericianum, this year’s Monitoring exhibition is showing twenty works by international media artists with various research approaches. Monitoring takes place in cooperation with Kasseler Kunstverein and Stellwerk.
The Golden Cube, endowed with 3,500 €, is awarded to the best media installation presented in the exhibition Monitoring and is sponsored by the software company Micromata GmbH.

The exhibition at Kasseler Kunstverein investigates, among other things, structures of power and exclusion, order as a social and aesthetic principle, as well as the possibilities and limits of artistic strategies: In what ways can historically volatile images be used to open up new contexts? How do we visually tackle ideological constructions such as that of national identity? How do we speak about topics which shy away from pictoriality? And how can hidden or marginalized perspectives, through artistic processes, be made visible?

With the examination of archives, technologies and practices of aesthetic standardization, and following the tracks of violent rhetorics, the installations approach these questions in different ways.

More and more people earn their money by generating content. The exhibition in the KulturBahnhof engages primarily with the term “work” and its various manifestations. In what type of economic system do we find ourselves? Whether a market economy or an attention economy, sex work or art trade – work is closely connected to the notion of identity, but also to desire and consumption, the contemporary cult around surfaces, objects and persons.

MONITORING at a glance 
Nov.13. – 17, 2019
Opening Nov. 13, 8:00 p.m. at Südflügel KulturBahnhof
Wednesday, Nov.13, 8:00 p.m. – 11:00 p.m.
Thursday, Nov.14 - Saturday,16, 3:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m.
Sunday, Nov.17, 12:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.
Nov.14, 4:30 p.m., Kasseler Kunstverein
what’s wrong with the art world and how to fix it – Artistic production and Social Standards by the example of Canada. Discussion (in English) with Lauren Howes, Kim Kielhofner, Mark Oliver, Paulette Phillips and Wanda vanderStoop, presented by Anna-Lisa Scherfose.

Nov.16, 6:30 p.m., KulturBahnhof Südflügel
interfiction@Monitoring: Within the scope of the interdisciplinary workshop-conference of art, media and net culture Malin Kuht will talk about her work OFFREAL.


Nov.15,  5:00 p.m., KulturBahnhof Südflügel
Nov.16, 3:00 p.m., Kasseler Kunstverein

Reservations are not required. The participation in the educational program and the events is free of charge.
Program catalog available October 28, 2019!
Foto Credit: Luna Hirt, Stefan Kreller and Jan Reuter
image of a tiny snail on a rim