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OCAD U Indigenous Education Council Meeting

OCAD University’s Indigenous Education Council (IEC) will be holding its next meeting on Friday, February 12, 2021.

The IEC (formerly Aboriginal Education Council) at OCAD U was established in 2008 with the aim to make informed recommendations and counsel ongoing development and implementation of Indigenous-related initiatives and programming. The council meets no less than three times a year to provide guidance and support to meet the needs of the Indigenous community by identifying and articulating priorities for programs and services intended to enhance the successful recruitment, admission, retention, graduation and employability of Indigenous learners. The IEC is made up of volunteer members that represent the interests and concerns of the internal and broader Indigenous community, collectively working towards creating a learning environment that allows Indigenous students and their peers to succeed and thrive.

For more information on the IEC, please visit its OCAD U webpage. To know more about meeting details and how to join online, please contact Trisha Bernabe at