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OCAD U Creative Writing Program Reading Series: Kate Siklosi

Creative Writing Program Speaker Series, Kate Siklosi + Graphic

The Creative Writing Program Reading Series is pleased to welcome experimental poet and Gap Riot Press founder Kate Siklosi for a conversation and presentation of her visual poetry. 

Date: Tuesday, March 22

Time: 1:00 - 2:00 pm ET

Location: Online, Microsoft Teams Meeting

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Kate Siklosi lives, thinks, and creates in Dish With One Spoon Territory / Toronto, Canada. Her work includes leavings (Timglaset 2021), selvage (forthcoming, Invisible 2023), and six chapbooks of poetry. Her critical and creative work has been featured in various magazines, journals, and small press publications across North America, Europe, and the UK. She is also the curator of the Small Press Map of Canada and a co-founding editor of Gap Riot Press