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Observance, 2022 by Prof. April Hickox on view at the TD Bank Media Art Wall

Video installation Observance, 2022 April Hickox

At the corner of Bay & Queen Street, the TD Branch has an urban scaled "media art wall" that presents curated video presentations by Canadian artists from the Art Collection holdings. Currently on view is Observance, 2022, by Prof. April Hickox (Faculty of Art). Best viewing times are morning and night. 

"Observance is a collection of videos and still images produced over the past five years that explores our relationship to time and personal history in the context of our relationships with others, our shared experiences, and our response to the healing properties of nature. Using still life as a metaphor for the ephemerality of time, each photograph and video recalls a person in my life. Informed by the history of both floral photography and painting, Observance moves beyond traditional still life with the presence of performance and the continuous looping of images or stills taken over three days. Edited by Alexandra Hickox studio assistant Merle Harley." - April Hickox

The installation is on view until September 27, 2022.

A video link to the work can be found here
A video of the installation (shot by Alexandra Hickox) can be found here

Observance photographs are available in a varied edition of three printed on Hahnemühle FineArt Baryta Satin. Examples can be seen on April's website.

If you get a good picture or selfie April would love to see it @aprilhickox  

April is looking for other screens to host the work, please contact her at