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Nov. 23: Student Town Hall to discuss OCAD U's future

A photo of people's legs in a circle with people wearing different coloured running shoes

OCAD University is inviting students to attend a town hall about OCAD U's future on Tuesday, November 23, from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. Students will be receiving an email invitation with all of the details.  

The University is undergoing an Academic and Strategic Planning process to set the direction for the University and provide the framework for planning across all of the University’s activities.

Based on the input from students, staff and faculty in a questionnaire sent in October, a number of key themes regarding our future context and how we need to respond as a community have emerged.

So, the intent of the town hall is to work together to co-create responses to the themes from the questionnaire to identify student priorities in shaping the future of the University. For example, what does it mean for you to have a university that is radically student-centric, or what does “community” look like for you as a student?

We thank all of you who participated in this questionnaire and provided your feedback, and will be sharing the results as a starting point for the conversation on November 23.

To learn more about what we are doing, please visit the web hub. If you have questions or would like more information, please email:

We look forward to seeing you on Tuesday, November 23!