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Image description: student designed panel shows a diverse variety of illustrated students in various mindfulness and meditation poses.
Presented by Campus Life Welcome Squad in collaboration with OCAD SU and Student Wellness Centre for “Mental Health March”.
Students, faculty and staff are invited to us for some FREE relaxing meditation sessions.
Attend one or all!

Yoga Nidra* guided by Leeay Aikawa
March 16, 7 to 7:45 p.m. ET

March 28, 12 to 12:45 p.m. ET

Platform: Microsoft Teams

How to prepare: comfortable wear, yoga mat/towel, pillows and cushions, blanket and eye pillow if you have one.
RSVP for March 16 online session:
RSVP for March 28 online session:
*Yoga Nidra: state of consciousness between waking and sleeping, typically induced by a guided meditation.

Mindfulness and all-levels yoga asana** with Leeay Aikawa 

March 23, 7 to 7:45 p.m.

April 6
, 7 to 7:45 p.m.

RSVP to receive on-campus location
Bring your own yoga mat or towel and “yoga wear”.
RSVP for in-person sessions:
**Asana: general term for a sitting meditation pose, extended in modern yoga as exercise, to any position: reclining, standing, inverted, twisting, and balancing.
Alumna and interdisciplinary artist, Leeay Aikawa is certified in Vinyasa and Hatha yoga teaching. She graduated from OCAD U with a Bachelor of Design degree in Illustration in 2009 and completed her MFA in Interdisciplinary Master’s in Art Design & Media in2021. Leeay continues to exhibit her work in both solo and group exhibitions.
Image description: student designed panel shows a diverse variety of illustrated students in various mindfulness and meditation poses.
OCAD U strives to provide inclusive, accessible opportunities for the OCAD U community to engage safely. To confidentially request an accommodation for this activity, contact Brent E. James in OCAD U’s Campus Life office (by noon the day before the event) at
To ensure the safest possible work and learning environment for our community, all participants at Welcome Squad events are required to adhere to OCAD University’s policies and procedures, including COVID-19 health and safety protocols, on-campus and off-campus. For more information visit