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Making Independent Publications

Yellow background with gradient red and blue flower motif on left. Flower shaped image of adé abegunde on bottom left. Blue text: "MAKING INDEPENDENT PUBLICATIONS With adé abegunde June 19, 2024, 2:30 - 5:30 PM 115 McCaul, 3rd Floor". OCAD U CEAD logo on top left.

Making Independent Publications

Date/Time: Wed. June 19, 2024 from 2:30-5:30 PM

Location: CEAD, 115 McCaul, 3rd Floor

Workshop RSVP: 



• 2:30 – 3:30 PM – Workshop

• 3:45 – 5:30 PM – 1-on-1 sessions with adé to get advice on a specific project – sign up for a 15 min slot at  


In this interactive session, adé abegunde shares her insights into the dynamic world of making independent publications. Speaking from her experience as the Managing Editor of New Currency Magazine and Creative Director of DADA Magazines, she will explore core principles to consider when you're starting off, curating your content and how to engage collaborators that align with your vision. 

This discussion will also touch on practical aspects such as innovative funding models, distribution strategies and how to leverage your community.


Attendees can book a 15 minute, 1-on-1 session with adé after the workshop to get feedback and advice on independent publications projects. We recommend you bring work in progress, or a list of questions for the session. Sign up at: 


About the speaker:

adé abegunde (informally known as "adé do all”) is a Nigerian producer and designer, based in Toronto. Since graduating from OCAD U's Environmental Design program, she has creative-directed magazines, produced music videos, curated art experiences and worked collaboratively with brands such as Pinterest, Havana Club, Spencer Badu and Wizkid to bring creative ideas and experiences to life. 


In addition to her role as a Programs Coordinator at DesignTO, adé also works with youth-oriented publications, DADA Magazine and New Currency. In 2022, she co-founded the disruptive studio, local·global, aiming to develop and document African stories from around the world.