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This Week at OCAD U

Exhibition poster with logos
June 26 - July 19, 2024

This Month at OCAD U

Legal Intersections #4 | Setting up a Professional Practice

Legal Intersections is a four-part series addressing legal issues of importance to artists, designers, and cultural workers. In this last instalment, the focus will be on how to set up a professional practice.
Legal Intersections #4 | Setting up a Professional Practice
Legal Intersections #4 | Setting up a Professional Practice

Legal Intersections #4 | Setting up a Professional Practice
Monday, November 4, 2019
6:00 – 8:00 PM
Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers, Level 3, 115 McCaul St.

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Facebook Event

Legal Intersections is a four-part series addressing legal issues of importance to artists, designers, and cultural workers. In this last instalment, the focus will be on how to set up a professional practice and the topics will include:

· Legal Structures - Advantages & Disadvantages
· Setting Up Your Business Considerations
· Definition of Artwork in the Copyright Act
· Tax and accounting considerations
· How to enforce invoices from clients that don’t pay your invoices

Speaker: Vandana Taxali is a legal professional and business lawyer (media, technology, software and entertainment) with over a decade of experience in intellectual property (copyright, trademark), licensing, contracts and entertainment law.

For this installment in the Legal Intersections series we recognize the generous support of the Neighbourhood Arts Network; a strategic initiative of Toronto Arts Foundation.