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This Week at OCAD U

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June 26 - July 19, 2024

This Month at OCAD U

Legal Intersections #2 | Alternative Working & Studio Spaces

Legal Intersections is a four-part series addressing legal issues of importance to artists, designers, and cultural workers. The series is presented in collaboration with the Artists’ Legal Advice Services, the Centre for Emerging Artists and Designers at OCAD University, and the Edward P. Taylor Library & Archives at the Art Gallery of Ontario.
Legal Intersections June 2019_Web Banner_v1.png

Wednesday June 12, 7:00 – 9:00 pm
Seminar Room 1, Concourse level, Art Gallery of Ontario

Join Jordana Wright, Managing Director of Activate Space, Dave Sorbara, Founding Partner at Signal and Ryan Martin, Partner at Aura LLP for a discussion about the challenges that arts workers in the GTA face with finding affordable and appropriate working and living spaces. The panel will be moderated by Alayna R. Kolodziechuk, Lawyer at Taylor Oballa Murray Leyland LLP. Part 2 of Legal Intersections will discuss some of the unique ways creators can set up places to work, create, and live, as well as answer legal questions attendees may have about these spaces.

Feel free to ask our panel your questions and discuss challenges you have faced as a creator in the GTA.  

Legal Intersections is a four-part series addressing legal issues of importance to artists, designers, and cultural workers. The series is presented in collaboration with the Artists’ Legal Advice Services, the Centre for Emerging Artists and Designers at OCAD University, and the Edward P. Taylor Library & Archives at the Art Gallery of Ontario.

ALAS will be collecting PWYC donations (with a suggestion of $10) to support their free services to the arts community.


Artists' Legal Advice Services (ALAS) is a nonprofit that, for over 30 years, has provided free legal advice to artists living in Ontario. ALAS and its volunteers run a free legal clinic, workshops and provide resources for artists to help them better understand their legal questions. Find out more at

Established in 2013, the Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers (CEAD) is committed to supporting the early-career advancement of all students and recent alumni at OCAD University. Our team delivers specialized programs and services that connect individuals to meaningful opportunities, communities of practitioners, skill-building resources and facilitated learning experiences.

The Edward P. Taylor Library & Archives is a leading Canadian Centre for Research in art, and is free and open to the public. Learn more at