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Inter School Elevate/or Pitch Thesis Event

Blue poster with illustrated elevator outline and text with the date, time, location of the event

OCAD U is hosting a cross institutional Thesis Pitch event with Emily Carr University, Nova Scotia College of Art & Design University and Alberta University of the Arts Elevate/or Thesis Pitch event. We are inviting students to present their thesis “elevator pitch”. To attend as an audience member, RSVP to the calendar invite sent to your student/faculty email.

To watch, register here:

“So tell me, what’s your thesis about?” It’s a question we often dread but are often asked as we work on our Master’s in Arts, Fine Arts or Design theses. The response is frequently called the “elevator pitch,” that is, relating a major concept in a short timeframe (from when we enter at ground level to when we exit at our designated floor). Now there’s an opportunity to share these pitches, to ‘elevate’ our theses to a shared space between disciplines.

These are intended to be very brief pitches and will be time-limited to FOUR minutes with an accompanying image or set of images shared in a synchronous online forum. The length of this event might change depending on the number of participants.

Please reach out to Meichen Waxer ( and/or Josh Paglione ( in the Grad Studies Office with any questions or accommodation requests.


  • Pitch presenters should pre-register with Eventbrite 
  • These pitches will be presented online in a synchronous zoom event (i.e. not pre-recorded).
  • Presentations are limited to four minutes maximum, and moderators will be instructed to call time exactly at four minutes. Timing begins as soon as the presenter starts. Moderators will indicate when there is one minute remaining.
  • Each participant will present one or more slides, animations, or videos as part of their pitch. These can include electronic media such as animations, renderings, VR, AR, video and audio clips but this is not required. The slide(s) must be in view for the entire time the presenter is speaking. This component should be auto-timed so the presenter or moderator are not manually operating these during the presentation.
  • Props or examples of work may be used if desired.
  • Presentations must be spoken or signed (with ASL sign language interpreter) and can also include various forms of oration, including but not limited to poetry, song, spoken word, performance, etc.  
  • Notes should not be used and it is expected that the presentations are not “read off the screen”; that is, this should be somewhat committed to memory unlike formal conference papers and such.
  • This will be a collaborative sharing event and non-competitive (no awarding of winners or ranking). Post-event there will be opportunities for formal response/feedback from co-participants and a panel from the four art/design universities.