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IGNITE GALLERY Sculpture Installation Award 2023

Call for Submissions

Applications due February 9th, 2023 (5pm)

Ignite Gallery has a 45-year history of exhibiting emerging creatives. This is the third year of the Ignite Gallery SCIN Award and continues to showcase SCIN’s outstanding talents. Ignite will award two, 4th OCAD University Sculpture Installation students, a month-long exhibition open from May 3 - June 9, 2023, at Ignite Gallery. The exhibition coincides which with Grad Ex will be elevated in OCAD University’s newest custom-built contemporary galley. Ignite Gallery’s Sculpture Installation Award consist of a month- long exhibition, mentorship and curation by Morgan Mavis and Tibi Neuspiel, social media exposure, professional photo documentation of the exhibition, and the prominent location of Ignite Gallery during Grad Ex 2023.

All applications are reviewed by the Gallery’s Selection Committee, which consist of the Gallery’s Coordinators and SCIN Faculty Derek Sullivan and Nina Leo.

Install dates: May 1 to May 2, 2023
Opening: May 3rd coinciding with the first opening day of Grad Ex. Curated by Morgan Mavis and Tibi Neuspiel

Please include all the following in a single PDF file titled with your name, (example GarfieldArbuckle.pdf) and email to:

1. Contact name
2. Phone number
3. Email (use OCAD email)
4. Program/year
5. Artist statement
6. A selection of images (maximum 10 images per application or 5 minutes of time- based media, not exceeding 30 MB). Include links in the PDF for time-based media. 7. If applicable: An image list, with dimensions and materials.

Label all image files with a number and your name. Ensure that the numbers for the first nine images begin with a zero (for example: 01GarfieldArbuckle.jpg, 02GarfieldArbuckle.jpg ...10GarfieldArbuckle.jpg). This will ensure that they are presented in the correct order.

Ignite Gallery is committed to exhibition equity, we encourage applications from members of equity-seeking communities including women, racialized and Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities/expressions.