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How Much?!: Demystifying Pricing for Murals

How Much?!: Demystifying Pricing for Murals

How Much?! Demystifying Pricing for Murals is a panel co-hosted by OCAD University’s RBC Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers and Mural Routes that helps emerging artists understand and develop their own strategies around setting a fair price for mural artwork. 

Tuesday, February 1, 1:00 - 2:30 PM EST 

Moderated by Marta Keller-Hernandez, Managing Director at Mural Routes, and featuring artists Bareket Kezwer, Curtia Wright, and Omar Hopkinson (Oms), panelists will share individual approaches and experiences that would be beneficial for emerging artists to hear. Topics will range from important considerations to include in an estimate, key questions to ask at the beginning of a project, and best practices to advocate for yourself.