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How to Get Monie$$$ to Fund Your Project

How to Get Monie$$$ to Fund Your Project

OCAD U alumni CG Chen shares her practical experience around fundraising. Whether it be a student club, personal project, non-profit business, or venture-backed company, learn about strategies that can help you successfully fund your idea. 

Topics: funding your own projects, raising money as a student club, crowdfunding, corporate sponsorship, grants, finding investors, applying to accelerators and more!

Tues. March 8, 3 – 4pm EST
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About CG Chen:
CG Chen graduated from OCAD with a bachelor's degree in Graphic Design in 2016. CG Chen is currently co-founder & CEO at mello, a YC-backed start-up focused on tackling employee wellbeing, namely burnout. Before founding mello, CG Chen co-founded Ample Labs, a social start-up using AI & data to help cities prevent homelessness. Ample was able to reach quarter of a million users in North America and was featured on Forbes, Fast Company, Ozy and the Toronto Star. Prior to that, she was at ecobee designing mobile experiences for IoT devices and before that Tulip designing enterprise software for luxury retailers like Chanel, Kate Spade, and Michael Kors. 

Most recently CG and fellow OCAD grad, Geordie Graham provided OCAD U the Ample Labs endowed gift to support student research and entrepreneurship.

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