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This Week at OCAD U

Exhibition poster with logos
June 26 - July 19, 2024

This Month at OCAD U

How to Build an Online Store for your Creative Practice

Do you want to sell your work online? This workshop will look at all of the administrative and technical aspects of building an online store using your Format website.
Format logo in white against red background

How to Build an Online Store for your Creative Practice
Wednesday, November 27, 2019
4:30 – 5:30 PM
Followed by one-on-one site reviews
Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers, Level 3, 115 McCaul St.
RSVP to Secure a Seat

Do you want to sell your work online? This workshop will look at all of the administrative and technical aspects of building an online store using your Format website. In addition to the technical aspects of the store, the workshop will introduce essential administrative skills like: dos and don’ts of selling your work online, “work-back” schedules for delivering on a deadline, online mailing lists and more.

Delivered by Stanzie Tooth. Stanzie is a Format Expert, supporting Format users to achieve professional creative success using their online portfolios, and holds a BFA from OCAD U (2007) and an MFA from the University of Ottawa (2015).

Participants are encouraged to bring their laptops as there will be a sign up for one-on-one site reviews following the presentation.