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This Week at OCAD U

Exhibition poster with logos
June 26 - July 19, 2024

This Month at OCAD U

Former OCADU ED Grads Mimi Vaughan and Alexandra Desplanque Installation at Nuit Blanche!

The Artists trytrytry studio is a multidisciplinary creative collective started by Alexandra Desplanque and Mimi Vaughan. Through multisensory and site-specific installations, their work provokes critical conversation about contemporary issues affecting urban space.

The Project

“CONSTRUCTION AHEAD” will be a multisensory installation about Toronto’s history with development—past, present and future. It’s inspired by Toronto’s seemingly constant state of construction. This construction brings short-lived sights and sounds to streetscapes while making permanent changes to the city’s skyline. When participants enter an alleyway off Sterling Road, their physical presence will trigger this audio-visual installation. A combination of ambient noises from construction sites around the city will sound, and corresponding audio graphs will be projected onto brick walls. In this way, “CONSTRUCTION AHEAD” will create an immersive and multi-layered experience that breaks down barriers surrounding private construction and development. Sterling Road and the Junction Triangle are an example of how Toronto is continuing to develop in all directions. “CONSTRUCTION AHEAD” hopes to start a conversation about individual and community power and responsibility in the shaping of our city.