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This Week at OCAD U

Exhibition poster with logos
June 26 - July 19, 2024

This Month at OCAD U

Food for Thought and Select Works

Food for Thought and Select Works, oil paintings by Ali Sheikh

This exhibition brings together a collection of oil paintings inspired by surrealist works with a contemporary exploration of meaning, intimacy and relationships. Ali Sheikh wrote:

This body of work sums up my first venture into oil portraiture. The series of three, inspired by surrealist works, explores the strange charm of a piece lacking context and the concept of finding meaning from nonsense, through dreamlike backdrops and hovering produce. Humidity aims to create an intimate, almost uncomfortable experience for the viewer, either provoking a sense of understanding with the subject or rather an awkward, claustrophobic feeling. The double portrait Affixed depicts two figures, partly converging, and is inspired by the relationship between how close one can be to another yet how little one may actually know about the other.

Five portraits combined in one image