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Feb 25 talk: Mask, Mas(querade) & Materials Master Class

Dr. Maya Trotz and Prof Michael Lee Poy side by side
Session Description -
How do we source and use available resources to design, engineer and fabricate masks during the Pandemic?
Join Prof. Michael Lee Poy (OCAD U, Faculty of Design) and Prof. Maya Trotz (University of South Florida, College of Engineering) in a master class about:
* Mask design for healthy environments
* Sustainable use of mask making materials
* Afro-Caribbean masquerade techniques

Health and environment. Sustainability and the pandemic. We can think of ‘environment’ in terms of what’s close to your face and the best materials and design to keep you and others safe. We can also think of ‘environment’ terms of your surroundings and how material is disposed of or what was required to make it or how it is sold etc. Bring your questions to this practical discussion!
Facilitated by Victoria Ho, Sustainability Coordinator, Office of Diversity, Equity & Sustainability Initiatives.