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This Week at OCAD U

This Month at OCAD U

dmi: ADMC 2020 Conference

The future presents new challenges and opportunities for design. Those who manage design must equip themselves to confront rapid change on all fronts – economic, environmental, and social. Research and practice must increasingly collaborate to keep pace with the needs of today and the future. 
ADMC banner
Call for paper abstracts

dmi: Academic Design Management Conference
Impact the Future by Design


OCAD University

Toronto, Canada
5-6 August 2020



Call for Submissions - Abstracts Due January 29, 2020



The future presents new challenges and opportunities for design.  Those who manage design must equip themselves to confront rapid change on all fronts – economic, environmental, and social. Research and practice must increasingly collaborate to keep pace with the needs of today and the future.
ADMC20 will explore how design adds value to innovation, competitiveness, and social good. The latest design research and partnerships will be presented to help light a path towards impacting the future by design.



Who Should Attend?

This conference is open to everyone - every discipline and area of endeavor will benefit. 

  • Researchers
  • Design and Design Management practitioners
  • Educators
  • Business leaders
  • Public Sector leaders
  • Students



Next month and beyond