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Dish with One Spoon Dinner


Dish with One Spoon Dinner

Indigenous and Black OCAD U students are invited to join the Indigenous Student Association and Almeda Student Collective, to learn about both student groups and enjoy a hot meal prepared by ISC staff! Meat and vegetarian options will be available. No registration required. 

  • Thursday November 16th 5-7pm

The Indigenous Student Association is a self-governing collective of Indigneous students at OCAD U who organize to nurture community and support each other. We run community events and acivities, and are the main student group dedicated to better Indigenous students' experience at OCAD U. Our goals year to year may change, but we remain grounded in our dedication to community and safer spaces for Indigenous students to learn, create and thrive.

The Almedia Black Student Collective is a group at OCAD U for Black students to engage and connect with each other about artistic ideas, opportunities, learn from one another and foster a sense of community.