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Discover Computer Accessibility

Workshop flyer

Date: Thursday, January 18th 


Title: Discover Computer Accessibility 

Time and Date: Thursday January 18th at 1-2pm for Windows users; 2-3pm for Mac OS users

Virtual Meeting on MS Teams


Workshop Description:

Join us for this virtual workshop hosted by Student Accessibility Services and presented by March of Dimes, Tech for Good. This workshop is for students to learn about computer accessibility features and the practical ways you can use the built-in features on Windows and Mac Operating Systems (OS). This workshop will explore ways to support you with reading (e.g. text-to-speech/screen reading), writing (e.g. speech-to-text/dictation) and focus (e.g. reduce distractions on your computer) and learning more about the Tech for Good program and how you can connect for support using your own computer. 


The first hour (1-2pm) will focus on Windows OS and the second hour (2-3pm) will focus on Mac OS. 


To register or request accommodations for this workshop:

Contact Senior Accessibility Advisor , Student Accessibility Services, Alison Nicholls:


The MS Teams link will be emailed to you in advance of the workshop. 
We look forward to seeing you there!