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DemocracyXChange: Canada's Democracy Summit

At left, text appears on purple background of a photo of a group of people: DemocracyXChange, announcing #DXC23 keynote, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate Maria Rossa, March 25, 2023, early bird tickets available at At right is a photo of Maria Ressa, wearing glasses and a dark turtleneck with the Nobel Peace Prize in the background

Canada’s DemocracyXChange (DXC) Summit returns to Toronto from March 23 to 25 with an in-person keynote address by Maria Ressa, Nobel Peace Prize laureate, press freedom fighter and author of a new memoir, How to Stand Up to a Dictator: The Fight for Our Future.

Ressa spent decades exposing state-sponsored corruption in South-East Asia as an investigative journalist for CNN. She is an expert on the weaponization of social media, and she will address the summit live in Toronto on Saturday, March 25, 2023.

Co-presented by OCAD University, the Leadership Lab at Toronto Metropolitan University, and Open Democracy Project, the fourth DemocracyXChange Summit (#DXC23) will bring together students, researchers, practitioners, public servants, community organizers, and leaders from the private, public and not-for-profit sector to connect, learn and emerge with new partnerships, plans and actions to strengthen democratic institutions and civil society.

#DXC23 will include live talks, hands-on workshops, networking opportunities, and special guests, with a focus on three core themes: 

  • Integrity of information
  • Economic and social inequality, and 
  • Trust in governance

#DXC23 is the event of the year for change-makers who care about defending democratic values, and want to help tackle some of the most pressing problems of our generationfrom countering far-right extremism to rampant nationalism, growing disinformation online, and a lack of representation at today’s tables of power. 


This year, the summit is holding a special and new feature, the Democracy Futures Workshop being held on Friday, March 24.

Designed by OCAD U’s Super Ordinary Laboratory under the leadership of Professor Suzanne Stein and OCADU CO., in collaboration with TMU’s Leadership Lab and Brookfield Institute, participants will consider the question, “How might we create a resilient, successful and sustainable democracy?”

Workshop facilitators will guide groups focused on four themes (climate change, social inequality, misinformation and trust in governance) to uncover new insights, connections, implications and opportunities for a future democracy that is resilient. 

Participants will draw on their own areas of expertise, ranging from policy, governance, economics to environment technology and culture, while working through various tools and processes of strategic foresight.

Strategic foresight is an approach to rigorously look at different possibilities of how the future may unfold over time, given the changing and dynamic core drivers of change. This approach identifies causal factors, implications, and actions to help foster a preferred future, as envisioned and articulated through the workshop and conference proceedings.

By the end of the workshop, participants will have co-developed a shared understanding of the factors that may support or threaten democracy, and identify top areas of actions across stakeholder groups.

Limited spaces are available for #DXC23 registrants to participate in the Democracy Futures workshop. To ensure representation across diverse sectors, registrants will be invited to apply. 

Early-bird tickets are available now, including a special discounted rate for students who are essential voices in the fight for democracy.