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Coffee Chats w/ Will Selviz

Photo of WIll Selviz in circle on left with eyes closed and surrounded by sparkles. Blue wavey graphic on right with CEAD logo and black lines.

Coffee Chats is a series of virtual casual gatherings with the CEAD team with industry guests. Hosted virtually in small intimate groups, these gatherings will provide a space for group conversations with practitioners who are interested in supporting OCAD U students and grads to offer mentorship, and share their professional insights and journey, while collectively creating an online community.

Born in Venezuela, growing up in Kuwait, and then immigrating to Canada in 2013, Will Selviz is an Afro-Caribbean multidisciplinary designer, who specializes in immersive media technologies such as 3D animation, virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), and 360 video.  After graduating from OCAD University’s Digital Futures program, he founded RENDRD Media whose past clients include Nike, Prada, Bell Media, and Universal Music. RENDRD Media's larger mission is to provide employment opportunities and educate BIPOC youth in creative industries where people of colour are still underrepresented.

Will is open to talking about: learning how to learn: becoming a multi-disciplinary creative / design generalist, graduating and starting a business into the pandemic, the future of freelancing and creative entrepreneurship, the future of sustainable footwear design and innovation (with Sanmeet Chahil), the immigrant experience: the importance of representation in the creative industry.

Twitter: @willselviz
Instagram: @willselviz
LinkedIn: Will Selviz

Interested in joining our next Coffee Chat? RSVP here. 
Ten Thousand Coffees is an online mentoring and networking platform that’s used by emerging talent and professionals around the globe.