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This Week at OCAD U

Exhibition poster with logos
June 26 - July 19, 2024

This Month at OCAD U

Call For Works: feelSpace

feelSpace is seeking artworks for our inaugural online exhibition that deals with connections and relationships in digital spaces. Submissions are due on October 21st!
a grid of a simple drawing of a face, with the words feelSpace below

Call for Works: feelSpace
Deadline: Oct 21st, 2019, 11:59pm

feelSpace is an interdisciplinary curatorial collective. We are creating an interactive online environment to engage with artists at all stages of their careers. This co-curated online exhibition explores intimacy in/and/on/through the internet. 

feelSpace is seeking artworks for our inaugural online exhibition that deals with connections and relationships in digital spaces. The exhibition will consider how we perceive, or “feel” the internet.

feelSpace welcomes submissions from a variety of mediums that must be accessible to an online audience without the use of any specialized equipment. We encourage submissions from BIPOC, Queer, and Two-Spirit artists from every nation. A small honourarium will be awarded to exhibiting artists. 

Submission Requirements:
Please prepare the following materials for the online application:

Label all files in the format: lastname.firstname.title.year 
Accepted image formats: PNG, GIF and JPEG (max 144 dpi)
Accepted video formats: Vimeo and YouTube links 

  • Artwork description (300 words max)
  • Online installation requirements (200 words max)
  • Artist biography, written in third person (200 words max)
  • 5-10 images (xGB max)
  • CV (3 pages max) (optional)

intimacy: for the show we are primarily considered with three different kinds of intimacy; with others (romantic, familial, friendly), with ourselves (leading back to ego, self, persona, identity), and with materiality (with digital devices & spaces, art & art practices/endeavours). All three forms come back to desire -- what leads us to seek out intimacy: in the context of our interests how/where do we seek digital intimacy?

refraction: the fact or phenomenon of light, radio waves, etc. being deflected in passing obliquely through the interface between one medium and another or through a medium of varying density. 

disconnection & reconnection: the internet can lead us to connections that otherwise may not have been possible. It can create disconnections with our physical surroundings, body (persona) and technical disconnections like lost internet connections, broken phones, computers, and whatever else can go wrong with technology! Does technology create a digital extension of the self?  

feelSpace is made up of 13 OCAD University MFA candidates. We come from a variety of educational, professional, and artistic backgrounds, making interdisciplinary practices integral to our collaborative practice.