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Call for Submissions - 2021/22 Partial Gallery OCADU Artist Showcase

Partial Gallery OCADU Showcase - Call for submissions

Call for Submissions - 2021-2022 Partial Gallery OCADU Artist Showcase
Partial Gallery and OCAD U's RBC Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers are excited to announce the return of our partnership which provides an exceptional career opportunity for OCAD U student artists and recent alumni (2020 + 2021). 40 selected artists will be given complimentary 1-year Pro Accounts on Partial and inclusion as featured artists within the  OCAD University Artist Showcase on Partial’s online platform in order to showcase their works, and administrate artwork sales and rentals.

As of year three, the OCAD U Artist Showcase has had: 

  • 3.72 M total impressions since launching in Feb 2020
  • 204 interactions (booking requests and interest sessions)
  • 65% of artists received at least 1 sale/rental inquiry
  • A total of 148 sale booking requests (97 successful)
  • A total of 56 rental booking requests (36 successful)
  • A total of 42 artists received sale / rental requests


Partial is a platform for independent and emerging fine artists. 

  • OCAD U Alumni from any program of study who have graduated in 2020 or 2021 
  • OCAD U undergraduate students who have earned 15.0 or more credits 
  • OCAD U Graduate students who will be completing their program in the current academic year 


  • Full contact information (Name, phone, portfolio, and email) and current CV. 
  • Links to online portfolio, highlighting up to 5 sample works. Choose 5 sample works that you would want to see on the platform 
  • A brief artist biography 
  • A brief statement of intent outlining your interest in this opportunity (up to 250 words max) 
  • Written confirmation of eligibility listed above 

    For more information visit:


We will be accepting applications until all positions are filled.

This is an amazing opportunity to get your work out there, nurture an audience, and sell your work! Applications will be reviewed by faculty members and staff from the Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers.

The benefits of being part of the OCAD U Artist Showcase include: 

  • A dedicated artist profile page
  • Active promotion of work by OCAD U's Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers
  • Listing on Partial’s artist directory
  • Smart insights about your artwork
  • Pricing Guide
  • E-commerce capabilities for art sales plus rental & payment plans for your art
  • Trade Access: access to set decorators, designers, and stagers
  • Priority Artist support
  • Insurance Protection on all art rentals/rent-to-own plans
  • Low 20% transaction fee on any sale/rental

About Partial

Partial is an art marketplace and platform for artists and art-seekers to connect and engage in real and accessible transactions. Thanks to the smart try-before-you-buy options, original work by local artists are just around the corner – and now within reach. The small team began Partial in 2016 in Toronto with the simple goal of bringing more art out of artists’ studios and onto the walls of homes and businesses in their city.              


Applicants who have concerns about meeting a Career Launcher application deadline are invited to connect with the CEAD in order to discuss possible alternatives. We encourage all who might require assistance with the application process to reach out to determine available support. Outreach of this nature should be undertaken at least one week prior to the published application deadline.


If you have any questions about this opportunity, please contact