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Call for Proposals & Moderators | Reverberation: ELL Student Symposium

Reverberation ELL Student Symposium Call for Proposals and Moderators

Reverberation: ELL Student Symposium

Proposals Due: March 15th, 2021, 12pm EST 
Symposium: April 15, 2021 Afternoon Session: 1:00-2:30pm EST ELL Student presentations


Call for Proposals 

In the echo chamber of our social isolation and in our makeshift studios and workrooms, small sounds percolate. The rub of a finger across metal, the flat slap of a cardboard box, a pencil crayon dragged across gridded paper, the chime of a cell phone alarm.  

We invite ELL students to speak and showcase the work that you produced in this year of insulation, increments, quietness, postponement and delay. Creative or academic work in any discipline and genre can be presented, as long as it is your original work. Students may choose to present in a variety of formats, such as a series of images, a blog, a reading, a slide presentation, a short film or animation or through storytelling. 

  • What online project or assignment this year has been impacted by your environment and considerations of shared space?   

  • How has your body of work, interests and research shifted in your current work from home environment?   

  • How has space and time differences impacted how your work is viewed and your words are heard?  

  • How has these online platforms changed the way that you work and communicate?   

  • What have you refreshed and relearnt? What have you rehearsed? How does your work reverberate across the online learning spaces at OCAD U? How have you kept the momentum in your learning journey? 

Submission Instructions 

  • Please submit proposals (200 words max) as a PDF or word document to  
  • Please name your file with FirstNameLastName_ReverberationProposal. 
  • Proposals can also be recorded as 5 minute talks and shared as mp4 files or Teams and TechSmith relay links. 
  • Additional materials, such as samples of visual or design work can also be sent or linked to your proposal. Please keep file sizes to less than 10MB. 
  • Students may present individually or as a part of a group or collective. 

Call for Student Moderators 

Student moderators will work with the presenters to introduce students and their work, to plan the panel program, and to rehearse with students in preparation for the symposium. Students with strong writing, curatorial and critique skills are encouraged to apply, however, ELL students from any level of fluency and program are welcome to act as moderators.  

ELL Students who wish to gain experience as moderators are invited to submit a 200-300 statement of interest as to why they wish to moderate a panel, previous academic, academic or community experience, and ideas for possible panel topics. Proposals can also be recorded as 5 minute talks and shared as mp4 files or Teams and TechSmith relay links. 

Please email if extensions are required for accessibility needs or other circumstances. 

Proposals will be viewed by a team of WLC staff who may be in contact with you to revise or adjust your proposal. All students will be notified by Thursday, April 1, 2021.