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This Week at OCAD U

Exhibition poster with logos
June 26 - July 19, 2024

This Month at OCAD U

Button Making Party

A fun chance to make a pin and unwind as the fall semester draws to a close! 
Floating, glowing hand drawn letters with the text "Button making party"

Drop by to draw, collage or bring a printed button design to make into a 1.5" button/pin/badge/fun thing! We'll have drawing and collage supplies available, or you're welcome to bring your own to craft a truly unique accessory. Pins can be a powerful communication tool - express your politics, your aesthetic, your fandoms for the world to see.

This event hopes to create a fun opportunity for students to get together and create while also raising some money for Zine Library and Learning Zone programming, including material and snack costs for the many free workshops and events that we offer. Participation is Pay What You Can (PWYC) and everything contributed will go directly back to our student community!