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Bridge To First Year 2021 | Online Exhibition

A photograph of a brown box in the centre, encircled by dried flowers, on a white background.

Reflections In Time
EAD Bridge To First Year 2021: Online Exhibition 

An online exhibition of works by the 2021 cohort of Bridge To First Year Students, presented by the Writing & Learning Centre. 

Opening Reception
Friday, August 13, 2021
Join us on Teams by clicking this link

Exhibition Dates
Friday, August 13 - Friday, September 3, 2021.
The exhibition is available to view here.

Exhibition Description
Friday, August 13th will mark the final class of English For Art & Design: Bridge to First Year, OCAD U’s six-week intensive program for students entering into their first year at OCAD U. Bridge To First Year gives students the opportunity to practice their English language skills in the context of art and design, before taking their first for-credit course in the Fall. The program is offered by the Writing & Learning Centre with administrative assistance from Admissions & Recruitment. 

Online Reception
Please join us in celebrating the culmination of the 2021 cohort's hard work by visiting their online exhibition. The works in this online show are representative of the students’ combined development of their creative and language abilities. The exhibition will be presented using Adobe Spark and will be accessible online from noon on Friday, August 13, 2021. 

Image by Victoria Strukovskaya.