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ART CREATES CHANGE: Architects Against Housing Alienation


OCAD University’s Faculty of Art presents 


The Kym Pruesse speakers series 

Architects Against Housing Alienation (AAHA)

Architects Against Housing Alienation (AAHA) is a collective of architects, activists and advocates fighting against housing alienation and working to create socially, ecologically and creatively empowering housing for all. This campaign will represent Canada at the 2023 Venice Biennale of Architecture, where they will launch Not for Sale! an architectural activist campaign for non-alienated housing, rejecting the concept of property and financialized forms of architecture. AAHA’s mission is to instigate an architectural movement to mobilize all Canadians to join the call for safer, healthier, and more equitable housing.  

Presenting at ART CREATES CHANGE: 

Adrian Blackwell is an artist, designer, theorist, and educator, whose work explores the relationship between physical spaces and political economic forces. Adrian’s art and design have exhibited across Canada and internationally. 

David Fortin is an architect and has taught architectural design globally, he is a citizen of the Métis Nation of Ontario and member of the RAIC Indigenous Task Force that seeks ways to foster and promote Indigenous design in Canada. He is the first Indigenous person to direct a school of architecture in Canada. 

Khaleel Seivwright is a carpenter who built tiny shelters to keep Toronto’s houseless population warm in the winter.  Although the City of Toronto shut down Seivwright’s ‘Toronto Tiny Shelter’ project he is now working on a new project, Fat Drop Trailers, to build and sell light weight, insulated travel trailers to sustainably support projects that are housing unhoused people.   

Janna Levitt is an architect, lecturer, and co-founder of LGA Architectural Partners. Janna works to implement transformative cultural and environmental agendas through a collaborative process with diverse communities.  

Moderated by Ali S. Qadeer 
Ali Shamas Qadeer is a graphic designer and educator. His work focuses on algorithmic form making, unorthodox toolmaking, and the disciplinary and economic structures that design practices buttress 


  • Friday, March 10, 7pm.  
  • 100 McCaul Street, Room 190  
  • In person at OCAD University  
  • Free to the Public  
  • Reception to follow 
  • ASL interpretation will be provided  

Co-sponsored by: Environmental Design in the Faculty of Design.