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Arctic / Amazon: Knowledge Exchange Workshop on Contact Zones

Event poster featuring white text over a photograph of a hand immersed in natural water

Arctic / Amazon: Knowledge Exchange Workshop on Contact Zones 
Wednesday, April 13th at 1:00PM (EST) 

Please join Wapatah Centre for a very special Knowledge Exchange Workshop on Contact Zones as part of the Arctic / Amazon project and in support of the upcoming publication – Arctic /Amazon Networks of Global Indigeneity. Co-authors Dr. Gerald McMaster and Dr. Nina Vincent will be joined in conversation by contributing author Tanya Lukin Linklater to discuss the Reclamation of Traditional Knowledge and the notion of the Museum as a Contact Zone. The workshop will also touch on the Knowledge that exists in cultural belongings and the extensive Land Based Artwork of Lukin Linklater with her community in the Alutiiq villages of the Kodiak Island archipelago of southwestern Alaska. 

This virtual event series is hosted with the generous support from SSHRC Connections Grant, The Appleton Foundation, Nancy McCain and Bill Morneau, Kiki Delaney, and Michael Audain, and in collaboration with the Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery as part of Wapatah’s Global Indigeneity Initiative and the Arctic/Amazon project that will culminate in several milestones: a major publication titled Arctic / Amazon: Networks of Global Indigeneity, an online educational resource hosted by Wapatah Centre, and a Fall 2022 Arctic / Amazon Exhibition in partnership with the Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery and Ryerson Image Centre.  

Series at a Glance:  

Spring 2022 | The Arctic / Amazon Knowledge Exchange Workshop virtual series is part of the upcoming publication, Arctic / Amazon: Networks of Global Indigeneity, where co-authors Dr. Gerald McMaster and Dr. Nina Vincent are joined in conversation by leading voices in global Indigenous art, performance, and scholarship, as they examine themes of Land Relations, Contact Zones, Traditional Knowledge, and Indigenous Ontologies.    

Each Knowledge Exchange workshop features Indigenous activists and cultural leaders from the circumpolar arctic and amazon regions, including: Sámi scholar Harald Gaski, Alutiiq performer Tanya Lukin Linklater, activist Ailton Krenak of the Krenaki people in the Brazilian Amazon, and anthropologist João Paulo Barreto of the Tukano people in Brazil.  

Register for the Event:  

Please Register for the event here! This event is free and open to the public.  

About the Speakers: 

Gerald McMaster, O.C., is a curator, artist, and author, and is currently professor and Tier 1 Canada Research Chair of Indigenous Visual Culture and Curatorial Practice at OCAD University where he leads a team of researchers at the Wapatah: Centre for Indigenous Visual Knowledge. 

Nina Vincent is a Brazilian anthropologist, researcher, professor, independent curator and currently works at the National Institute of Historical and Artistic Heritage (IPHAN), where she works close to communities to preserve intangible heritage and Brazilian popular/traditional culture. 

Tanya Lukin Linklater is Supiaq/Alutiiq and her homelands are in the Kodiak Island archipelago of southwestern Alaska. Her performances, works for camera, installations, and writings have been shown at Soft Water Hard Stone, the 2021 New Museum Triennial, Soft Power at SFMOMA, ….and other such stories, the Chicago Architecture Biennial 2019, and elsewhere. In 2021 she received the Herb Alpert Award in the Arts for Visual Art.  

Learn more about the Arctic / Amazon project and educational resource


Wapatah Team: Natalja Chestopalova, Brittany Pitseolak Bergin, Pedro Portella 


Image Source: Tanya Lukin Linklater, WATER, 2013 (video still) 

The Arctic/Amazon Knowledge Exchange Workshops are hosted with the generous support from SSHRC Connections Grant, The Appleton Foundation, Nancy McCain and Bill Morneau, and Michael Audain, and in collaboration with the Power Plant Contemporary Art Gallery.