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This Week at OCAD U

Exhibition poster with logos
June 26 - July 19, 2024

This Month at OCAD U

2nd Asia-Global-Cultural-Studies-Forum (AGCSF)

AGCSF is a forum of a lively discussion of Asia and Asia Global-related art, design, culture, media, creative strategy, and research.

Date: Saturday, October 26th, 2019 @ 2-6 pm

Venue: Room 284, 100 McCaul (OCAD U)


Facilitated by professor Soyang Park (Liberal Studies, Graduate Studies)

3 tiers of presenters: Students, professors, and professionals

Participatory forum: Presenters, discussants, and the audience

Ongoing forum: regularly from September 2019: open for public submission of ideas: email to:


*Everyone is welcome to participate in this forum/become a presenter in future events.

*AGCSF does not support any form of ethnocentric or regional chauvinism or hegemonic nationalism unfit for our vision for the future. It solely focuses on promoting cosmopolitan learning and exploration of cultures and multi-directional decolonization.

*AGCSF supports the emergence of other cosmopolitan research groups and fora at OCAD U - based a non-hierarchical and non-exclusionary notion of regional, national, ethnic, and cultural identities.

*For further information: find the “Asia-Global Cultural Studies Forum” (AGCSF)’s official facebook page.

Or visit our website:

Also check out our youtube channel for our inauguration forum on May 17th (unedited experimental  2-channel montage video):


List of Presentations:

Dr Soyang Park (OCAD U), The Politics of Beauty: The Ghost of Colonialism, White-Washing Rumors, and the K-Beauty Wave   [A Response - The Polemics from the last AGCSForum]

Christie Carriere (D&P, OCAD U),  Art and Community: What I Learned from Five Months of Placement at TeaBase

Kathy Wang (VCS, OCAD U),  Female Representation in Japanese Manga: Ito Junji’s Tomie (1987 – 2000)

Wenjie He (CADN, OCAD U),  Designing the Multilingual: Beijing Olympic Pictograms and Universal Design

Enna Kim (DF, OCAD U), ONLINE//OFFLINE: Digital Diaspora and Speculative Narrative Animation

Keiko Hart (Curator/Programmer, Subtle Technologies and C-Magazine), Locating Identity: Pronunciations of Self


                 Global Network of Researchers: Video Participation    

Yilong Liu (Drama/Film Studies, University of Manchester, UK)  

Jessica Liu (Painting and Drawing, Nanjing University of the Arts, China)

Dr Hyunbang Shin (Professor, London School of Economics, UK), On Gentrification, Korean and Chinese Recent  Development


 What is Culture

Culture is the shared value system and code of conducts that exist in interconnected and contingent differences across communities, cultures, and nations.

Culture in all its manifestations – conventional, popular, emergent, marginal, and resistant – are constantly shaped by and are (re-)shaping our status quo, ways of thinking, and visions.

Culture is not fixed but constantly shifts through the intersecting influences of politics, economy, populations, migrations, and even environment.

The study of culture is empirical as well as theoretical, and most importantly, it is an interdisciplinary endeavor. The set of questions, analyses, and evaluations it involves itself in interacts with other fields of study such as the study of economy and politics; social studies, ethnic studies; cultural anthropology and media studies; identity, gender, sexuality, class, and ideology studies.


What is a Forum

A gathering place for exchanges of ideas and views. It is also the agora (Greek), a proto-site of democracy.


The ethos of AGCSF:

  • A syncretic forum of all levels of researchers (students, professors, and professionals)
  • Merit- and contents-based (not rank or prestige).
  • No ethnocentric/regional chauvinism or hegemonic nationalism.
  • Cosmopolitanism and exploration of difference and alternative epistemologies.
  • Non-hierarchical organizational model for the promotion of a culture of open discussion.
  • Participatory forum: The participants will consist of the presenters, the discussants, and the audience whose participation is to be equally valued to bring about diverse and multidirectional discussions.
  • The Discussants are an important category of this forum. They are the generators of discussion as well as latent presenters. Those who are interested in presenting are recommended to participate as the discussants first. The discussants – along with the audience – who have previously participated in the forum and substantially contributed to the discussions will be considered with priority as the presenters for the following event.
  • Embodied participation is implied in its growth model based on merit and contribution (rather than on rank or prestige). AGCSF hopes to make this forum truly an intellectually viable place for lively exchange and discussion of ideas and visions, a lively intellectual fora filled with genuine curiosity and openness to different perspectives.
  • Embodied and experiential knowledge: AGCSF values embodied and experiential knowledge, research, and ideas rather than the overly academicized outcomes short of the conductive power to generate grounded and real conversations.
  • ESL students are the most welcome. You are the holders of up-to-date global knowledge. If you have any ideas to share but the only thing that makes you hesitate is your English, please bring a translator or discuss the ideas with us.
AGCSF in white on a peach background with blue abstract accents