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2022 RBC Commissioning Program - INFO SESSION

2022 RBC Commissioning Program Call for Artists

OCAD University’s RBC Centre for Emerging Artists & Designers is excited to announce an inaugural partnership with the RBC Curatorial Department to establish an ambitious program that will commission original editioned 2D artwork, by OCAD U artists, into RBC offices and spaces. 

Ten (10) emerging artists from OCAD U, working in a variety of mediums, will be commissioned to create an edition set of five (5) numbered and signed reproductions from one (1) existing piece of work.  The RBC Commissioning Program will select (10) emerging artists, representing different artistic practices, providing a diversity of artistic voices and approaches to be showcased in the commissioning program. Artists will receive $1,500 per commissioned per editioned set.

Join our upcoming info session to learn more about the RBC Commissioning program and resources for putting together a strong application.

Monday, February 14, 2022, 2:00 - 3:00 PM
Click here to RSVP

The OCAD U RBC CEAD is committed to promoting substantive equality for equity-seeking groups that are under-represented in the creative sector. We encourage applications from first-time applicants to the program and graduates of equity-seeking communities including racialized and Indigenous persons, persons with disabilities, and persons of all sexual orientations and gender identities / expressions. Applicants are welcome to advise the CEAD of any accommodations needed to ensure you have access to a fair and equitable process. 
Applicants who need assistance with their submissions are invited to connect with the RBC CEAD for Advising support

Applicants who have concerns about meeting a Career Launcher application deadline are invited to connect with the CEAD in order to discuss possible alternatives. We encourage all who might require assistance with the application process to reach out to determine available support. Outreach of this nature should be undertaken at least one week prior to the published application deadline.

Deadline: Tuesday, March 1, 2022 at 11:59 PM ET 
More info

Image Credit: Mock-up visualization of RBC offices. Artwork by Jinke Wang, RBC Amplify Commission 2018.